Raw Food Benefits

What do you mean by the term "raw food"?

"Raw food" means a diet made up of raw fruits, vegetables, sprouted grains, nuts and seeds. Edible flowers, mushrooms, sea vegetables, cold-pressed oils, fermented foods and natural sweeteners such as agave nectar and raw honey are also used by raw food enthusiasts. Raw food diets are free of wheat, dairy, soy and refined sugars. Raw food also means that nothing is heated or processed above a temperature of 41C (105 F)

What do you mean by "raw food cuisine"?

When you combine the above mentioned foods into culinary delights and appetizing menu combinations it becomes raw food cuisine. Some combinations will produce exciting meals such as Gazpacho soup; Lasagna made from nut milk cheese and layered zucchini; pizzas with nut/seed based crusts; enchiladas made with dehydrated vegetable wraps; raw chocolate brownies; vegetable sushi; guacamole and salsa; fruit pies with almond crusts and the list goes on.
Raw food cuisine can also be as simple as preparing a smoothie or a large "everything" salad with a blended homemade dressing.

What are the benefits of raw food?

Optimum health is the greatest benefit. By creating optimum health you will find that you will no longer be dwelling on your feelings of grumpiness, moodiness, depression and pain and will instead open yourself up to a reconnection with your Spirit self.
You will find that you feel more vibrant and passionate; your creative juices will be aroused, you will think more clearly and have boundless energy. You will begin to detoxify all areas of your life and you will enjoy tasty, filling meals and still lose weight without even trying. Your skin will radiate and you will look and feel more beautiful. It's a "win win" situation.

How does raw food create all these benefits?

Another name for raw food is "live food". The reason it is called live food is because it contains living enzymes. Enzymes are the life spark of the body. The body needs enzymes at all times to keep it healthy. When we cook or process food the enzymes are destroyed. Therefore, if we eat only cooked food our body begins to break down and fall into a state of “dis-ease”! Green leafy vegetables are the best source of enzymes. All other living food also contains enzymes and therefore living (or raw) food is a very necessary part of our daily diet. Enzymes operate in the body at two levels. They are workhorses that drive metabolism to use the nutrients that we take in and they are our life energy. Without enzyme energy, we would be a pile of lifeless chemicals. So, by keeping our body supplied with enzymes we experience optimum health and that leads to all the other benefits.

Sandra Butler
Raw Food Chef
250- 491-0425